Moodle is a Virtual Learning Environment.

Moodle online education
Moodle is an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.
Log out of Skype and log in to Moodle!
Messengers lack the tools needed for professional online education.
Moodle offers these features in abundance.
Moodle is a collaborative space for teachers and students:
Knowledge Assessment is Conducted
Flexible Interface for Configuring Learning Layouts
Easy Software Integration for Communication and Collaboration
We provide a customized cloud solution for fast and efficient Moodle system performance at the lowest price.
We provide manuals for initial setup and offer support during the launch.
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • SSD Drive
  • HDD Drive for backups
  • Dedicated IP address
  • 1 GBit/s port
  • CPU 1 cores
  • RAM 2 GB
  • Drive 20 GB NVMe
  • Backup Drive 20 GB HDD
  • Ok Dedicated IP address (IPv4)
  • Ok 1 GBit/s port
from $5.10
Order server
  • CPU 3 cores
  • RAM 4 GB
  • Drive 40 GB NVMe
  • Backup Drive 40 GB HDD
  • Ok Dedicated IP address (IPv4)
  • Ok 1 GBit/s port
from $10.20
Order server
  • CPU 6 cores
  • RAM 8 GB
  • Drive 80 GB NVMe
  • Backup Drive 80 GB HDD
  • Ok Dedicated IP address (IPv4)
  • Ok 1 GBit/s port
from $16.15
Order server
  • CPU 8 cores
  • RAM 16 GB
  • Drive 160 GB NVMe
  • Backup Drive 160 GB HDD
  • Ok Dedicated IP address (IPv4)
  • Ok 1 GBit/s port
from $28.05
Order server
  • CPU 12 cores
  • RAM 32 GB
  • Drive 240 GB NVMe
  • Backup Drive 240 GB HDD
  • Ok Dedicated IP address (IPv4)
  • Ok 1 GBit/s port
from $55.25
Order server
3-Day Grace Period
Grace period order
You can apply for a grace period and pay for only three days to test Moodle's VDS server usage.
3 days

Moodle features

Distance education
  • Multilingual support (100+ languages).
  • Expanding functionality using plugins (1500+ plugins).
  • System version in a smartphone or use the Moodle Mobile app.
  • Creating lectures using various types of tests, grading, access restrictions.
  • Display data from documents: Word, Powerpoint, video, audio, etc.
  • Creation of tasks for students. Tasks can limit the execution time. Teacher comments are allowed.
  • Various types of forums: standard, news, question-answer.
  • Chat with image display functions and display of mathematical formulas.
  • Poll with the ability to configure result viewing.
  • Student Questionnaire.
  • The Wiki is a section that can be added and edited by students.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Your Client Area includes detailed instructions for installing the Moodle CMS and configuring the initial system settings.
If you find the installation process challenging, our experts can handle it for you. Simply submit a support request, and we’ll take care of the CMS installation.
The Moodle package includes a fully configured server, enabling CMS installation without additional setup.
Server management is handled through the pre-installed Control Panel, eliminating the need for console-based management. If you encounter any questions or difficulties while using the platform, our support team is ready to assist you at any time.
The Moodle-1 package is ideal for new projects with a small number of students. As your student base grows and resource demands increase, upgrading to a higher-tier package will be beneficial. You can easily scale up your package when needed to ensure optimal performance.
Other VDS / VPS / Cloud servers offers


- You only pay if you are satisfied with our service.
- If you didn`t like our service during the trial period, you won`t be charged for it.
monthly price/fees
Price for the period
1 mo
$0.0  (0%)
6 mo
$0.0  (5%)
12 mo
$0.0  (15%)
Order now
Order now with a 7-day trial
Contact details: Ukraine, 61202, Kharkiv, Ludviga Svobody st. 26-298.
FO-P Kharitinov Oleg Sergeevich
IBAN UA073052990000026001005905889
tax.number 2961615658
Support service: телефон + 380 57 7209279
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