Cloud VDS for Telegram Bot

Our VPS server provides the perfect solution for running your Telegram bots. You can deploy bots running on different languages (PHP, Python, Ruby) simultaneously in a Docker environment.
Price – Budget-Friendly.
Creating bots in Telegram is relatively simple and accessible. They can perform various tasks, from automating responses to messages to providing information and interactive services.
Chat Bot
Chat Bot
  • CPU 1 ядро
  • RAM 1024 MB
  • 10 Gb NVMe Disk
  • 10 Gb HDD Backup Disk
  • Dedicated IP Address (IPv4)
  • Connection 1 GBit/s - Port
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The Cloud Solution Provides:

High Performance:

VDS on NVMe disks provides maximum speed and stability.
Your bot will respond instantly and operate without delays.


The cloud server operates 24/7 without interruptions.
Your bot will be available to users even during peak hours.


We provide the highest level of security for your data and code.
Your users will feel safe.


VDS supports any settings for API bots using PHP, Python3, Ruby, and more.
3-Day Grace Period
Order a Grace Period
To test the Cloud VDS server, you can sign up for a grace period and pay for only 3 days of server usage.
3 days
Universal VDS for Telegram Bot

You can simultaneously run multiple projects using different technologies through the pre-installed Docker.

Using Docker, you can easily manage containers for your bots, isolate them from each other, and scale as needed.
The Chat Bot Package Includes:
  • Additional Account on Backup Server
  • High-Speed SSD NVMe
  • Server Monitoring
  • 99.9% Uptime
Questions and Answers (FAQ)
Open Telegram and find the bot named @BotFather.
Type /start to begin interacting with BotFather.
Then type /newbot to create a new bot.
Choose a name for your bot (this will be displayed in chats) and then a unique username for the bot (it must end with "bot", for example, my_cool_bot).
After successfully creating your bot, BotFather will provide you with a token.
This token is necessary for authenticating your bot when interacting with the Telegram API.
Keep the token in a safe place, as it will be used in your code.
You can use various programming languages and libraries to create Telegram bots.
For example, you can use Python with the python-telegram-bot library, Node.js with the node-telegram-bot-api library, or other languages and frameworks depending on your preferences.
Here’s a simple example in Python using the python-telegram-bot library:

from telegram import Bot

bot = Bot(token="YOUR_BOT_TOKEN")

def handle_message(update, context):
text = update.message.text
chat_id = update.message.chat_id
bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=f"You said: {text}")



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- You pay if you like our service.
- If you didn`t like our service during the trial period, you don`t pay for it.
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1 mo
$0.0  (0%)
6 mo
$0.0  (5%)
12 mo
$0.0  (15%)
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Contact details: Ukraine, 61202, Kharkiv, Ludwig Svoboda av. 26/298.
FO-P Kharitinov Oleg Sergeevich
account 26001052322442
IBAN UA233515330000026001052322442
tax.number 2961615658
Support service: телефон + 380 57 7209279
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