Domain gift

Annual hosting payment allows you to register up to 4 domains for free.
Domain gift
Annual hosting payment gives you a gift domain.
The gift is valid permanently for packages:
Domain gift
Annual hosting payment gives you two gift domain.
The gift is valid permanently for packages:
Domain gift
Annual hosting payment gives you three gift domain.
The gift is valid permanently for packages:
Domain gift
Annual hosting payment gives you four gift domain.
The gift is valid permanently for packages:
Yes, you can pay extra for 11 months. But you need to create a ticket in your Client Area for the "Finance" department. The manager will then create a separate order for you.
Annual hosting renewal allows you to renew domains or register new ones for free. This condition is permanent.
The domain TLDs of the bonus domains are listed on the page of your hosting package.
Contact details: Ukraine, 61202, Kharkiv, Ludwig Svoboda av. 26/298.
FO-P Kharitinov Oleg Sergeevich
account 26001052322442
IBAN UA233515330000026001052322442
tax.number 2961615658
Support service: телефон + 380 57 7209279
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