Web Builder Features for WordPress

Consider the basic web builder design options for creating a WordPress site.
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Hover effects

You can create amazing hover effects. Setting up effects is easy to use.

Adaptive Editing

It is very easy to create an adaptive website using the website builder. By default adaptivity is created automatically. However, you have full control over all design settings for each mobile device. This will allow you to perfectly adapt each element for a computer, tablet or smartphone.

Fonts and styles for text

You can choose from hundreds of fonts or upload your own.
Customize text size, letter spacing, line height, and font weight.


Add shapes and effects to your pages by creating dynamic transitions between blocks of content and adding extra personality to your site.
The shape separator can be placed above and below each section of your website. It easily creates transition effects between different parts of your page.
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For the convenience of testing WordPress hosting and web builder, we provide our test domain. You can replace it with any other using our Control Panel.
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Border Options

Add borders to any element. Create rounded corners. Adjust the thickness, color, and border style for each edge of the selected element.

Converting Controls and Effects

You can transform elements directly in the website builder. Previously, you needed to use graphic design programs such as Photoshop or Sketch.
Move elements, scale them up and down, rotate in three different axes, and adjust the slope.
All actions are created using an intuitive interface that makes it easy to perform and understand each transformation.

Advanced code editing

A full-featured code editor is available to make coding much easier and more enjoyable.
Features include syntax highlighting, error reporting, autocomplete, color selection, multi-line selection, search, replace, and more.
Editing styles

Filters and effects

The look of any element is easy to customize and enhance with a range of filters and effects. Turn on Hue, Saturation, Brightness, Contrast, Invert, Blur, Opacity, and Sepia. Create stunning designs using background blend modes.

Falling shadows

Add depth to your page by creating custom shadows. You have full control over the size, position, color and shadow intensity. They are easy to create without graphic design software!
Тень текста

Text shadows

Create amazing text effects using text shadows. Easily apply text shadows to any element or create your own text shadows using the full set of elements.


Easily add animation to any element. Apply simple animations or create your own animations.
Customize the type, speed and animation direction. Scroll down pages with amazing animation will surprise your visitors.
Background images, colors, gradients and videos

Background images, colors, gradients and videos

Apply custom background colors, background gradients, background images, and background videos to any element.
Create interesting overlapping gradient and image effects. Use background blend modes to combine colors and images to create unique designs.

Bulk Edit

You can press the Cmd or Ctrl key and select multiple elements on the page at once. You can then edit these elements by changing the style and content at the same time, or moving them around.

Finding and Replacing Styles

Enter global settings to save time. Use the search and replace functions.
These functions will help you to change any design value. For example colors or fonts for all pages or in certain places.
You don't need to edit each element separately. Just find and replace.

Magic Color Manager

The website builder automatically remembers recently used colors and stores them for quick access.

Expandable Styles

You can automatically extend the style if you have created your own style or design and want to apply it to other elements or to the entire page.
For example, you've created a nice box-shadow and border style for your images, but you have dozens of images on the page. You can instantly apply this style to the rest of your images!

Drag and drop files to upload

Drag and drop files directly onto your page. They will instantly download and appear in your design! Drag and drop new web fonts, text files, videos and more. There is no need to use the WordPress media library.
Drag and drop files to upload

Quick Access to Element Styles

Quick search and filtering allows you to quickly navigate to previously changed settings.
The 'Changed Styles' view provides a list of all active settings, so you don't need to review the full set of options.

WordPress Form Builder

Enjoy a fully featured contact form builder. Create custom form fields to collect any information from visitors. Hide and show input fields with advanced conditional logic. Create an individual style for each entrance with a full range of design options.
WordPress Form Builder

Create and sell using the product builder

WordPress builder and WooCommerce are a perfect match.
WooCommerce is a free add-on. So you can start selling goods Online without additional development.

Quick page creation

When you create a new page, the site builder gives you quick access to hundreds of ready-made templates and all your saved templates. You can quickly copy existing pages or create a new page.

Flexible and intuitive interface

The website builder interface is unique. You can move interface elements and tools to create a workspace that suits you. It adapts to your screen size and will never get in your way.

View modes

You can freely switch between different view modes. Choose the one that suits your current project. Zoom in and out.
Header and footer creation

Website header and footer builder

You can create your own header and footer for any part of your website.
WordPress Hosting Packages with Page Builder
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